Countermotion of the shareholder Jürgen Grässlin
»The actions of the members of the Supervisory Board
are not to be ratified due to insufficient monitoring
of the Board of Management«
regarding Item 2 of the Agenda
at the Annual Meeting of the Daimler AG in Berlin
April 14th, 2010

Mr. Jürgen Grässlin, Freiburg
Regarding Item 3 of the Agenda:
»The actions of the members of the Supervisory Board
are not to be ratified due to insufficient monitoring
of the Board of Management.

Reason: With Dieter Zetsche as Chairman of the Board of Management and Manfred Bischoff as Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Daimler AG is headed by two executives who already bear part of the responsibility for the Daimler disaster of the Schrempp/Kopper era as they held top management positions at that time.

The current catastrophic condition of Daimler AG can be outlined as follows:

Numerous lawsuits have been initiated in recent years by Messrs. Schrempp and Zetsche, as well as by the company, against such critics as Prof. Wenger and myself. We should be judicially silenced. This muzzle strategy has completely failed due to the groundbreaking verdict of the Federal Supreme Court on September 22, 2009 in favor of freedom of opinion and freedom of the press (see The legal costs have to a large extent still not been paid – although the Group’s management lost the case.

The continuation of the longstanding Daimler disaster is primarily home made. The people responsible for these catastrophes are the members of the Supervisory Board, especially the members representing the shareholders. They approved the Board of Management policy meeting after meeting.

This Daimler disaster can only be alleviated by replacing the members of the Board of Management and Supervisory Board with competent women and men. A new management team has to implement the essential action for sustainable ecologicalization, conversion of the armaments division (conversion to meaningful civil production) and fundamental democratization – and thus for ethically and morally responsible action.

Please direct your inquiries to the Critical Shareholders (, The ArmamentsInformationOffice (, and the DFG-VK (, will provide information on the inhuman armaments business of Daimler/EADS and Daimler/Tognum. I am available for inquiries about the Daimler disaster (tel.: +49 761 7678208, mobile: +49 170 6113759,,«