Stuttgart Peace Prize in 2016, December 10th
on December 10 I will be awarded the Stuttgarter Friedenspreis
Honorary Doctorate / Doctor honoris causa (h.c.) in 2016, October 15th
of the Università del bene comune in Sezano (near Verona). The laudation was held by Francesco Comina, coordinator of the Centro Pace in Bolzano. My speech was titled »Open borders for people - close borders for weapons exports. The realization of a utopia«.
Grimme-Media Prize 2016
On April 8, 2016, the Munich filmmaker Daniel Harrich and his team - me as the specialist consultant in over two years - got the most famous German Media Prize in Marl for the production and publishing of the motion pictures »Masters of Death« and the documentary film »How the G36 rifle got to Mexico« (e.g. sent in the ARD with six million spectators)
Helga-und-Werner-Sprenger-Peace Award, 2015
On November 22, 2015 I received the Helga-und-Werner-Sprenger-Peace Prize. My speech was titled »He Who Sows Weapons will Reap Refugees – He who Stops Arms Exports Creates the Prerequistes for a Just Peace«. The laudation was held by Gernot Erler, former minister of state and member of the Federal Government.
AMOS-Prize for Civic Courage in 2015 On March 1st 2015
I was honoured with the AMOS-Preis for Civic Courage of the »Protestant Open Church« of Baden-Württemberg. My speech was titled »Waffenexporte ächten – den Opfern eine Stimme, den Tätern Name und Gesicht«. (»Ostracize Arms Exports – A Voice to the Victims, A Name and a Face to the Culprits«). The laudation was held by Joachim Schilling.
Kirchheimbolandener Peace Days Award, 2014 On December 10, 2014
I was honoured with the »Kirchheimbolandener Friedenstagepreis«. My speech was titled »Deathly Decisions – Why Arms Trade has to be Banned«. The laudation was hold by Helmut Schmidt.
Stuttgart Peace Prize in 2012 On Nov. 22, 2012 the campaign 'Aktion Aufschrei – Stoppt den Waffenhandel!'
we were awarded the Stuttgarter Friedenspreis. Jointly with Christine Hoffmann, Paul Russmann, Emanuel Matondo from southern Africa and I received the prize representing the entire campaign. The laudation was held by Thomas Gebauer from medico international.
Aachen Peace Prize, 2011 On Sep. 1, 2011
At the international anti-war-day I was awarded the Aachen Peace Prize (Aachener Friedenspreis) - considered just about the most valuable peace prize in Germany; my address was titled »Outcry – Against the Weapons Grim Reaper – in Favour of Life«
Civic Courage, 2009 In November 2009 I was honoured with the »Prize for Civic Courage« (»Preis für Zivilcourage«) of the Solbach-Freise Foundation.
The laudation was hold by the prize donator Anne Solbach-Freise