Lecture »Network of Death.
The Criminal Interconnections of the Weapons Industry and Government Offices«

Lecture »Network of Death.
The Criminal Interconnections of the Weapons Industry and Government Offices«

Documentary book written by Jürgen Grässlin, Daniel Harrich und Danuta Harrich-Zandberg

Millions of people are fleeing from war and civil war, from persecution and poverty. Germany does not only play a role as a host country for refugees. The German government is at the same time responsible for the export of military weapons, thus causing people to leave their home countries. For years now Germany ranges among the top states exporting small arms like pistols, submachine guns and rifles. The numbers of victims particularly of small arms are exorbitantly high. Among the recipient countries rank even states linked with severe human rights violations like Mexico or Colombia.
The scandals involving the companies Heckler & Koch, Sig Sauer und Carl Walther don’t seem to stop at the trade in small arms, the deadliest arms category of our time. Peace activist Jürgen Grässlin, film maker Daniel Harrich, and Journalist Danuta Harrich-Zandberg track the shady ways of weapons to the crisis regions of the world. Based on extensive investigations they substantiate how this questionable weapons flow comes about. They debunk the backers in the governmental control agencies and in politics.
Grässlin provides in his lecture an answer to the question: »How come that German arms get into the hands of criminal governments, brutal paramilitaries und rivalling parties in civil wars, time and again, and at such a large scale?«
The speaker of the campaign »Aktion Aufschrei – Stoppt den Waffenhandel« brings criminal charges against the persons responsible – with immense success.
The book is a politthriller with sensational new findings und previously unpublished evidence.

Details on the author Jürgen Grässlin:

He is speaker of the campaign »Aktion Aufschrei – Stoppt den Waffenhandel!« (»Campaign Outcry - Stop the Arms Trade!«, Federal Speaker of the »Deutsche Friedens¬gesellschaft - Vereinigte KriegsdienstgegnerInnen, DFG-VK« (German Peace Society & United Resister of War (DFG-VK)«, Speaker of the »Kritische AktionärInnen Daimler, KAD« (»Critical Shareholders Daimler«) and chairman of the »RüstungsInformations¬Büro, RIB e.V.« (»Armament Information Office«).

He authored numerous critical non-fiction books on arms exports as well as on military and ecomomic policy, among them international bestsellers. His latest books are »Schwarzbuch Waffenhandel. Wie Deutschland am Krieg verdient« (2013) »Blacklist Arms Trade – How Germany Makes Money out of War« and »Netzwerk des Todes« (2015) (»Network of Death«) with more than 180 presentations-

Grässlin was distinguised with several prizes for peace, civic courage and media, e.g. the »Aachener Friedenspreis« (2011), currently with the Grimme-Preis (2016) and the »Stuttgarter Friedenspreis« (10. December 2016). In October 2016 he got the Honorary Doctorate (honoris causa / h.c.) of the 'Università del bene comune' in Sezano (near Verona).

Contact: Tel.: 0049-(0)761-7678208, Mob.: 0049-(0)170-6113759
E-Mail: graesslin@dfg-vk.de, further information: www.juergengraesslin.com
On the book:


Network of Death

The whistle-blowing book to the TV-Event »Deadly Exports«

Paperback, softcover with flaps, 384 pp, 13,5 x 20,6 cm
ISBN: 978-3-453-20109-5
Publisher: Heyne; additional editions: eBook

Cover Network of Death
