Bibliography of the books of Jürgen Grässlin

I have published a number of critical non-fiction books about armaments-, military- and economic policies, all of them published in their original versions by Knaur and Droemer Publishing House in Munich or by Heyne (Random House) in Munich.

2015 »Network of Death. The Criminal Interconnections of the Weapons Industry and Government Offices«
(»Netzwerk des Todes. Die kriminellen Verflechtungen von Waffenindustrie und Behörden«)
together with Daniel Harrich and Danuta Harrich-Zandberg

The numbers of victims particularly of small arms are exorbitantly high. Among the recipient countries rank even states linked with severe human rights violations like Mexico or Colombia. The scandals involving illegal weapons exports. Mainly exporters of small arms are the companies Heckler & Koch (H&K), Sig Sauer und Carl Walther. Grässlin made several complaints against them. In autumn 2015 the public prosecutor made a formal accusation against top managers of H&K.

2013 »Black List Arms Trade. How Germany makes money out of war«
(»Schwarzbuch Waffenhandel. Wie Deutschland am Krieg verdient«)

This book tells the story and the background to how German weapons are delivered to belligerent countries massively abusing human rights. Grässlin tried to give a voice to the victims and identifies those responsible in 20 perpetrator profiles.

2007 »Run down?! – The Daimler Disaster Continues«
(»Abgewirtschaftet?! – Das Daimler Desaster geht weiter«)

This book presents sensitive documents of Daimler about grey-market dealings and the »armament disaster« by cooperation in cluster ammunition erectors, nuclear power carrier systems and weapons’ exports to regions of conflict and war.

2005 »The Daimler-Disaster«
(»Das Daimler-Desaster«)

It is about the former Daimler chairman Jürgen E. Schrempp, the still incumbent chairman of the advisory board, Hilmar Kopper, and their failed business policy. Furthermore the book is about the involvement of the incumbent Daimler-chairman Dieter Zetsche in grey-market dealings and morally and ethically condemnable weapons’ deals. The book came in first on the economic bestseller lists in manager magazin/Spiegel, FOCUS and Handelsblatt in 2006.

2003 »Hide, when They Shoot. The True Story of Samiira, Hayrettin and a German Rifle«
(»Versteck dich, wenn sie schießen. Die wahre Geschichte von Samiira, Hayrettin und einem deutschen Gewehr«)

The book draws attention to victims of German weapons’ exports, particularly in Somalia, Turkish-Kurdistan, and the Gulf region. The author held more than 220 interviews with victims and culprits in civil war areas. For the proceedings of this reading tour he founded the »Fund for Victims of Small Arms« (DAKS-Fonds) with the income of the reading tour.

2000 »Ferdinand Piëch. Engineer of power«
(»Ferdinand Piëch. Techniker der Macht«)

This book highlights Piëch‘s advancement to »car manager of the century”. It proves how Piëch fought his way to the top of Europe’s biggest car group. The revised paperback edition was released in November 2001. It reached top ratings in the economic bestseller lists.

1998 »Jürgen E. Schrempp. Lord of the Stars«
(»Jürgen E. Schrempp. Der Herr der Sterne«)

This biography investigated Schrempp’s actions as chairman of Mercedes-Benz of South Africa in times of apartheid and his involvement in weapons’ deals as chairman of Dasa/EADS, Germany’s biggest armament group. In 1998 Schrempp was chosen to the top manager No. 1 in the world.
The book has been published in China in 1999, in the USA and Taiwan in 2000, and in a completely revised version in Germany in the summer of 2000. In December 2001 the book was released as a licensed title in Japan. In Germany it reached top ratings in the bestseller lists for economy books.

1995 »Daimler-Benz. The Group and its Republic«
(»Daimler-Benz. Der Konzern und seine Republik«)

Daimler-Benz Corporation is Germany’s biggest industrial enterprise. The integrated technology company commands extensive power and important influence on the decisions of the Federal Government. That is why the fighter jet »Eurofighter/Typhoon« went into production, due to political lobbying, despite its lacking essential features.

1994 »Death comes with weapons from Germany«
(»Den Tod bringen Waffen aus Deutschland«)

Germany is one of the biggest exporters of conventional weapons worldwide. An influential industry imposes massive pressure upon politics. Companies like Heckler & Koch and Daimler profit from business deals with death. The book demonstrates the power of the individual in a successful fight against weapons’ exports.