»Countermotion at the Annual General Meeting of the Heckler & Koch AG
on August 27th, 2020.
The members of the executive board are not discharged«

Shareholder Jürgen Grässlin

Countermotion at the Annual General Meeting of the Heckler & Koch on August 27th, 2020.
The members of the executive board are not discharged.

Regarding item 3 on the agenda:
»The members of the executive board are not discharged.


The Executive Board of Heckler & Koch AG had originally assured us shareholders and the public that the »Green Country Strategy« would be consistently adhered to in arms exports. Only »the good guys« in NATO states, NATO-associated states or EU states would be supplied with small arms.

This was confirmed after CDE under Nicolas Walewski recently took over the share package of the previous majority shareholder Andreas Heeschen. A press released by H&K on 17 July 2020 stated that the company still stands by the »Green Country Strategy«. But what do such promises count if the real arms export policy in fiscal 2019 blatantly contradicts the promises? The promise to only deliver »to the good guys« turns out to be a hollow phrase.

At present, the French armed forces, as the supposed »the good guys«, are being supplied with 102,000 HK416F assault rifles and 10,767 HK269F grenade launchers, accessories, ammunition and spare parts. In the national armed forces, which include the French Foreign Legion, the old FAMAS assault rifles are being replaced by modern HK416Fs as »Arme Individuelle Future (AIF)«.

France's armed forces have fought and are continuing to fight in former colonies, among others. The Foreign Legion, feared as the toughest and most ruthless military special unit in the world, is known to murder in operational areas around the globe. Their missions pursue French power and economic interests. After the retirement of FAMAS rifles, units of the Foreign Legion could in future shoot and murder with H&K weapons all over the world.

Likewise, British and US special units - as »the good guys« equipped with H&K weapons – are conducting combat operations on battlefields all over the world, which are undertaken without any moral and ethical standards and some are illegal. In the USA the »Black-Lives-Matter-Movement« laments the unrestrained and illegal killing of black US citizens by mostly white US policemen. Beyond special units, US police officers also have H&K weapons.

It is to be feared that the undermining of the self-imposed »Green Country Strategy«, which is propagated to improve the image of the company, will continue to be practiced in the same way as it was in 2019. The latest low points are the small arms exports to Singapore and South Korea, which H&K applied for and which were approved by the Federal Security Council at the beginning of July 2020. Both countries are neither EU nor NATO members or associated states.

According to the human rights report of Amnesty International, Singapore is being further de-democratized, human and civil rights are being further dismantled, the death penalty has been and is being carried out. South Korea is in military conflict with North Korea, violent clashes can occur at any time – after the export also involving H&K weapons.

Conclusion: In the 2019 financial year, the H&K Management Board again failed to meet its own standards and objectives.

Note: It should also be noted that the Special Forces Command (KSK) of the Bundeswehr, as a military unit of the »good guys«, has been and will be comprehensively armed with small arms by H&K. Leading media outlets, such as DER SPIEGEL, consider the KSK to be part of the »dark side of the STATE POWER«. Reasons for this include Hitler greetings, Wehrmacht depositions and hidden weapon stacks.

In June 2020, a KSK captain informed Federal Defense Minister Kramp-Karrenbauer in a letter about right-wing extremist grievances at the KSK. These were presented as being profound and structural. Right-wing extremist tendencies were claimed to have been »collectively ignored or even tolerated«. This very KSK has been comprehensively armed by Heckler & Koch with pistols, machine pistols, assault rifles, machine guns and sniper rifles. These include the P8 Combat, P12 (HK USP Tactical Offshoots), the P30, 40 mm grenade pistol, MP5, MP7, UMP, G36, AG36 grenade launcher, HK416, MG4, MG5 and G8 (HK21).

After »numerous right-wing extremist incidents« the second KSK command company was disbanded (Sources: DER SPIEGEL, 08.08.2020, p. 8 and https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kommando_Spezialkr%C3%A4fte#Bewaffnung). A serious distancing of the H&K board from right-wing extremists in the Bundeswehr and KSK has still not taken place.

For the reasons stated above, we ask the shareholders of H&K AG: Join our countermotions and transfer your voting rights to the »Critical Shareholders of Heckler & Koch«, which involves a number of organizations through the »Aktion Aufschrei - Stoppt den Waffenhandel!« / Action Cry Out - Stop the Arms Trade! (RIB e.V., DFG-VK, Ohne Rüstung leben, pax christi, IPPNW, urgewald, other peace initiatives etc.).

Contact Details and Information: cc ArmsInformationCentre (RIB e.V.) with the GLOBAL NET - STOP THE ARMS TRADE, Stühlingerstr. 7, 79106 Freiburg, Germany (www.rib-ev.de / www.gn-stat.org) and Dachverband der Kritischen AktionärInnen in Cologne, (www.kritischeaktionaere.de).«

Translation: Ruth Rohde