Countermotion of the Shareholder Jürgen Grässlin to Agenda item 3 of the Annual Meeting of the Heckler & Koch AG »The members of the supervisory board will not be relieved.« about a victims’ fund for H&K and illegal arms exports to Mexico published in the Bundesanzeiger

Motion: To Agenda item 3

he members of the supervisory board will not be relieved.


At the last stockholders' meeting on 15 August 2017 the supervisory board of Heckler&Koch AG has agreed to examine the possibility and funding of a »victims' fund H&K« (Opferfonds Heckler&Koch) with the company's executives. This promise was followed through according to a letter of Dieter John, chairman of the supervisory board. However, the letter from 8 December 2017 states that Heckler&Koch has »decided against the establishment and funding of such a victim's fund for various reasons after intensive debate«. This decision and the argumentation are incomprehensible looking at the needs and the dire situation of so many affected people. The reference that such a call for a victims' fund would then also have to be directed at »producers of vehicles, civilian airplanes, household knives and other sectors« is outright preposterous.

As a soldier of the German »Bundeswehr« I have gotten to know the G3-assault-rifle as a high precision killing machine through which many people could be killed in an instant if used in fully automatic mode. Any moral would forbid any such comparison to the non-military products the board named in their letter.

Current assault rifles by Heckler&Koch ( such as the G36 which is used daily in Mexico by highly corrupt police forces and drug cartels to kill thousands of innocent people, can shoot 600, 700 or more rounds per minute, according to H&K advertising. These are perfected killing products by H&K used globally by soldiers, security personal, guerrilla troops or terrorists.

The »Kritische Aktionär*innen Heckler&Koch (KA H&K)« are still interested in a honest debate with the supervisory board and the board on the potential of founding a »victims' fund Heckler&Koch« (Opferfonds Heckler &Koch). We want to get in contact with the supervisory board and the board of Heckler&Koch, peace organisations, human rights-, doctor- and victims' organisations on details of how the fund could be set up. The directors of H&K can no longer ignore and evade the issue of global mass killings with weapons from H&K.

The network GLOBAL NET – STOP THE ARMS TRADE ( will research, publish and inform in multiple languages about the fatal consequences of arms exports by H&K to states with no regard for human rights – such as Mexico, Indonesia, Malaysia, and others – as well as to states involved in war – such as the USA, and others. We seek to give victims a voice and to make visible the perpetrators' profiles such as H&K.

We will publish information on the GN-STAT homepage on the cases of H&K-arms-use which has costed more than 2 million lives and has crippled, maimed or traumatised multiple more. We will sue H&K where illegal arms exports occur – such as the 4702 G36-assault-rifles to the Mexican provinces of unrest Chihuahua, Chiapas, Guerrero and Jalisco. GN-STAT will work with lawyers across the globe on these cases.

We ask the stockholders of H&K AG: Please support our countermotions and transfer your vote to the »Kritische Aktionär*innen Heckler&Koch (KA H&K)«, cc RüstungsinformationsBüro, RIB e.V., Stühlingerstr. 7, 79106 Freiburg ( or the the umbrella organisation of »Kritische AktionärInnen« in Cologne (

Mr Jürgen Grässlin, Freiburg