Countermotion of the Shareholder Jürgen Grässlin
to Agenda item 2 of the Annual Meeting of the Heckler & Koch AG
»The members of the Board will not be relieved.«
about ruthless H&K arms exports
and green listed countries
published in the Bundesanzeiger

Oberndorf am Neckar

Stockholders' Meeting 2018 of Heckler&Koch AG
– Countermotions and Nominations of Stockholders

Dear Stockholders of H&K AG,

please find below the countermotions and nominations of stockholders
following §§126 and §§127 German Aktiengesetz
to the agenda of the stockholders' meeting of H&K AG on 26 June 2018.

The following motions are listed by date of registration at H&K.

Mr Jürgen Grässlin, Freiburg

Motion: To Agenda item 2

The members of the Board will not be relieved.


The promises of the Board of Heckler&Koch AG to only export weapons of war to »green listed countries« (NATO-member states, NATO-associated states an EU-states) stand in stark contradiction to the exports to »yellow-listed« or even »red-listed« countries in the business year 2017. Amongst them are states such as Indonesia, Malaysia and South Korea, which can under no account be rated »green-listed« countries, but have been served as so called »old orders«.

By decision of the Federal Security Council (Bundessicherheitsrat, further: BSR) and the Preparing Committee from November 2016 these states – only legally speaking – were legally provided with small arms by H&K. The BSR cleared the export of hundreds of fully automatic rifles, multiple additional gadgets, machine guns and parts of weapons amongst other to Indonesia. Further, the BSR cleared the export of hundreds of fully automatic rifles, machine pistols, machine guns and parts of weapons to Malaysia. South Korea was provided with hundreds of fully automatic rifles and upper casings. The board of H&K announced these orders to be executed in 2017 and later.

To provide weapons to states such as Indonesia and Malaysia stands in the tradition of the unscrupulous arms exports to Mexico – a country with a disastrous human rights record then and now. Already in 2006 (when the illegal exports of 4702 G36-rifles to four provinces of unrest in Mexico started), Mexico should have been flagged as »blood-red« country. Please find more information on these exports on Global NET- Stop the Arms Trade /GN-STAT ( in multiple languages.

The Amnesty International annual report of the global Human Rights situation in 2017 flags the catastrophic situation in Indonesia and Malaysia. South Korea is in a pronounced situation of tension with North Korea. More will be said on this at the annual stockholders' meeting on 26 June.

The consequences of this continuing arms export policy to states which harm human rights are mutilation and death for thousands of people more. The Board of H&K AG carries responsibility for this. GLOBAL NET – STOP THE ARMS TRADE will report on these fatal consequences of arms exports by H&K to these three countries – and many more – in the coming years and in many languages. We will contact families affected by arms exports of H&K and we will give the victims of H&K-weapons use a voice through our contacts to organisations of doctors such as IPPNW ( and human rights organisations. We will make public the profiles of those responsible on the website of GN-STAT.

In close cooperation with »Aktion Aufschrei – Stoppt den Waffenhandel« (, the German Peace Society (DFG-VK, and Ohne Rüstung Leben ( we will critically examine the business and policies of H&K AG in the coming years.

For we doubt the claim of the Board of H&K, that a strategy of supplying »green-listed« states may be morally and ethically sound. In the USA – a »green-listed« state according to H&K – our company currently builds a plant for pistols in Georgia. We do this knowing that more than 50 people are killed each day in the United States of America on average through the use of small arms – pistols, machine pistols, assault and sniper rifles. Such weapons are used in shooting sprees, terror attacks and suicides. The publicly visible protest against the almost unrestricted sale of these arms has risen in the USA in 2017 (and continued to do so in 2018). Pupils led the nationwide protests against the lax gun laws, the unrestrained lobbying of the National Rifle Association and the sale of US-American and foreign small arms – H&K among them.

We ask the stockholders of H&K AG: Please support our countermotions and transfer your vote to the »Kritische Aktionär*innen Heckler&Koch (KA H&K)«, cc RüstungsinformationsBüro, RIB e.V., Stühlingerstr. 7, 79106 Freiburg ( or the the umbrella organisation of »Kritische AktionärInnen« in Cologne (

Mr Jürgen Grässlin, Freiburg